ValueRays® Warm Mouse - The Healthy Way to Use the Computer!


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Monday, February 9, 2009

Hand warmer computer mouse house

Keep your hand warm inside a mouse house hand warmer
Cold hand medical conditions make it difficult to sit and work at the computer. That's why we thought you'd enjoy seeing the Mouse Hand Warmer. It creates a warm house for your mouse. For more details, click here.
from PRStherapy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel is defined by compression of the median nerve at the level of the wrist. This nerve passes through the carpal tunnel along with nine tendons which help you bend your fingers. The "tunnel" is created by the carpal bones and transverse carpal ligament. When inflammation occurs at the wrist this creates pressure on the nerve. The pressure leads to symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the fingers, pain radiating up the arm, and night pain. These symptoms can be evident when driving, holding newspapers and dropping objects. Compression of the nerve can result from repetitive use of the hands and writs, diabetes, and/or hormonal changes such as pregnancy.

DeQuervain's Syndrome: Also known as "washerwoman's sprain" this syndrome can be a product of overuse. This is and inflammatory disorder in which pain and discomfort is felt along the edge of the thumb and wrist. The tendons that straighten your thumb become inflamed following prolonged repetitive activity. The symptoms include tenderness at the base of the thumb, aching over the side aspect of the thumb and wrist. This discomfort can be aggravated by bending the thumb or straightening the thumb and with various wrist motions.

Tendinitis: General terminology for inflammation of a tendon. This may result from overuse or repetitive use of hand or wrist within varied activities.

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